(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios) Special mentions And then we'd do it in a flip in the game where when you're building, you'll see the golden Ink as Light creating those structures. They have castles and walls: and that too, the people would go to the actual location and reconstruct what those outlines looked like. You'll notice in some of the scenes you'll see the troops on the fields: those are the actual locations, and sometimes you'll see the ghost outlines of these structures. “It's really there to help shed light on the past, and give us a sort of ghost outline of what was there. “So, this idea – this iconography of the molten golden Ink as Light,” says Schläppi. Schläppi explained that they wanted to, “make a little more compelling by giving it a spirit of AR.” While playing Age of Empires 4, you will encounter golden soldiers that look like what you would imagine the remnants of a ghosts’ soul might look like, and it is a truly breathtaking effect to see and one of the many clever additions to Age of Empires 4. It reflects the narrative of Age 1 - you have very functional, almost primitive-looking buildings and structures, using very basic materials and as you age up things get richer and richer and more detailed.” The modelling actually changes, the textures change. “Artistically, we've added a lot more detail in all the assets, especially the buildings,” says Schläppi. “We did recording in England, we did recording in Eastern Turkey, in Mongolia.

The team went a step further, and travelled to the various civilization’s countries, as Boulle explains. We have people internally on the team – certainly in the audience – who see themselves in the Chinese civ, in the Delhi sultanate civ, in the Mongol civ, the English civ, and all the others, and we take very seriously wanting to elevate these civs and really show them off as the wonderful things they are.” The team wanted to “bring as much care and attention as we could to these things, because … our audience is these cultures.

So, the English go from thatched roofs in the first age all the way to late medieval structures by the end of the game.” “Each civilization has its own musical theme,” says Boulle, “ increases in complexity and depth as you progress through the ages. So, when playing as the English, you start in the Dark Ages unable to understand your units, until you age up and they start speaking in Ye Olde English. All civilizations have unique theme music and their units speak “period-appropriate languages”. The “Age” in Age of Empires is not there for show: moving with your civilization from one age to the next is one of series' defining features.Ī special effort this time has been made to convey that growth with the music and art design. (Image credit: Xbox Game Studios) Audio and art direction Naval units were also teased, so they are definitely included, but we’ll have to wait a little longer for some more details. “So scouts become super-important later in the game, because they're the things that detect if there's a giant murder squad waiting inside of the treeline to kill you.” “Scouts now can see into stealth forests,” Isgreen explains. Yes, you heard that right stealth is finally here! And this could give the underused and oft-neglected scout units a game-changing role. One of the most exciting reveals in the preview are stealth units and stealth forests. Now, we played with that formula quite a bit across the different civilizations, but we always wanted to make sure that those three categories were represented in a way that people could totally understand because it is kind of the staple of what makes Age of Empires, ‘Age of Empires’” “We wanted to make sure that there was always the triangle between Pikemen, ranged units, and mounted units that you've pretty much had in all the Age of Empires games. “There still will be generic units,” says Isgreen. Though great effort has been put into making civilizations more unique, generic units also remain. Your units can scale walls and defend from them too.

It appears the team has heard you loud and clear and siege combat is indeed included. One of the most often requested additions fans have wanted to see in Age of Empires 4 are better siege options. (Image credit: Xbox Game Studios) Units and combat